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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Lacrosse And Volleyball Teams Fall In State Playoffs



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Newtown High School's girls' lacrosse team, the No. 2 seed in the Class L State Tournament, fell 14-9 to No. 10 Ridgefield in the quarterfinals on June 3.

The host Nighthawks fell behind 7-1 before matching the Tigers pretty much goal for goal the rest of the way. Summer Harrell finished with three goals and Elena Sughrue had two net-finders in the defeat.

Jules Battaglia, Izzy Butler, Bella Gerace, and Ava Mitchell all scored. Battaglia had two assists, and Butler, Gerace, Harrell, and Erin Phaneuf all had one assist.

In Class L boys' volleyball, the No. 8 Nighthawks fell 3-0 (25-15, 25-20, 25-22) to top seed Darien in the quarterfinals.

Read more about these competitions in the June 10 print edition of The Bee.

Sports Editor Andy Hutchison can be reached at andyh@thebee.com.

Erin Phaneuf makes a move toward the goal as teammate Bella Gerace (No. 4) and Ridgefield players stand in position during state playoff action. —Bee Photo, Hutchison
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