By Maura Fletcher"/>

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Thank You To Gregg Simon By Maura Fletcher



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To the Editor:The Newtown Bee last week, I noted several SWC Championships. Boys' lacrosse, boys' golf, girls' golf, and softball. This does not happen by accident. We have had a fearless leader in a coach and athletic director and I for one would like to say "Thank you" to Gregg for going above and beyond the call of duty for being a great mentor, for your love of sports and your dedication to the athletes. I know I am not alone. NHS has become a richer place because of you. Thank you Gregg, best of luck in the next chapter… Newtown will miss you.

I write this letter as a former NHS coach and parent of four former Newtown High School Varsity athletes. Our community owes a huge amount of gratitude to Gregg Simon for 30 years of silent service to our children. Athletes receive accolades, coaches are decorated for their achievements but athletic directors stand behind the curtain, running the show, rarely being recognized for their countless hours of dedication.

The athletes of Newtown High School and everyone affiliated with athletics at NHS will sorely miss Gregg Simon when he leaves his post of athletic director in the coming weeks. In my tenure of coaching, I found Gregg to be supportive of his coaching staff, always encouraging us to strive to do more. He never valued my successes by wins and losses; it was about service, about community, fairness and treating student athletes with mutual respect. School always came first. He has an open door policy where kids feel they can reach out for guidance and support. I have to guess that being an athletic director is a thankless job. I counted 48 sports at NHS between fall, winter and spring. Forty-eight schedules, at least 75 coaches, and about 1,000 athletes every year. Unbelievable amount of time and dedication. I don't think we could ever put a monetary value on the countless hours that Gregg has devoted to NHS.

As I read the Sports section of

With Gratitude,

Maura Fletcher

39 Deep Brook Road, Newtown                                                   June 8, 2016

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