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Snapshot: Jillian Moses



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Occupation: I am a pharmacist. Currently, I have been a manager for the past two years for a pharmacy in a large retail chain. It was a long, six-year program. I have a Doctor of Pharmacy Degree (PharmD). It was not easy, but I am very thankful to have a job for exactly what I went to school for. I graduated from Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences University (MCPHS).

How long have you lived in Newtown? I've lived in Newtown since 1998 and consider this my home. My parents live in Newtown currently, and I live with my fiancé in Sandy Hook. My fiancé's family also lives in Sandy Hook.

Favorite food: Oh my gosh, I love all foods! I think sushi would have to be my favorite. I never really get sick of sushi. Octopus is my favorite - the weirder the better!

 What do you like to do in your free time? I like to cook. One of my hobbies is collecting new recipes. I actually try not to make the same thing twice. I love yoga, too. I have been practicing yoga for at least six years now, and I just love everything about it. I love taking all different classes. My favorite yoga pose is Half Moon Pose; you stand on one leg and one hand and try to picture yourself between two planes.

Do you have a favorite musical artist or genre of music? My favorite band is The Pixies. I also love The Breeders. Kim Deal is in both those bands, and I love her. She's the bassist in The Pixies and she inspired me to purchase a bass when I was in college. I stick with mostly 90s alternative rock music. I pretty much stopped listening to new music after 2007, and I'm okay with that.

Do you have a favorite travel destination? I love Puerto Rico. I think it is close, it's easy to get to, and it's warm and tropical. I've been there with my best friend and my fiancé, on two separate trips, and I've never had a better time. We went zip-lining in the rainforest, I went kayaking on a bioluminescent bay, and we fed barracudas. Also, any place with a hammock is a good travel destination.

What is the best thing about Newtown? It feels like home. It just feels comfortable. It's scenic; I love the trees. I lived in Boston for six years, and I love that you are not on top of your neighbor here. You have four walls and a yard, I think that is important. You might have to drive 15 minutes to the supermarket, but I don't mind the tradeoff for the space we have.

Who has been the greatest influence in your life? My father. He is such an optimist. He's smart, he's funny, and he taught me that anything worth doing in life isn't always easy. He instilled in me a really strong work ethic. I remember growing up, every single day Monday through Friday he would wake up at 5 am to go to work, come home, eat dinner with my mom and me, and he never once complained about work. There is something to be said about people who don't complain. I couldn't ask for a better dad. I can talk to him about anything, and he's always been supportive. I love him.

If you could spend a day with anyone, who would you choose? My fiancé. We both have insane work schedules, so we try to maximize our time together. I would love for us to go to our favorite hiking place, Mount Mohonk, in New Paltz, N.Y. They have something called the Rock Scramble there, which is an advanced hiking route - there's a lot of maneuvering through caverns. The top of the mountain is really beautiful.

Jillian Moses is this week's Snapshot profile

Do you have a guilty pleasure? Definitely shoes. It is unfortunate that I am on my feet all day at work, and I don't get to wear all my beautiful heels. My ideal home would have one room just for shoes. My other guilty pleasure is reading magazines. It is a successful day if I get to read one magazine from cover to cover.

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