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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Knights Of Columbus Donate 5K Proceeds To FAITH Food Pantry



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Newtown Knights of Columbus-St Virgilius Council 185 this year nearly tripled the donation made to FAITH Food Pantry (FFP) last year following the inaugural Run4Hunger 5K.

Last year’s road race resulted in a $1,500 donation to the food pantry.

Lee Paulsen, president of FFP, was stunned earlier this week when members of the local Council unveiled the ceremonial check that was being presented to the pantry following the second annual Run4Hunger. Clearly printed on the oversize document was the figure $4,321.00.

“Are you kidding me?!” Ms Paulsen exclaimed. “Wow.”

Chris Carney, Jeff Leja, Bill Manfredonia, and John Miodonka, members of the local council, visited the pantry on June 18 to present the donation. Ms Paulsen was joined by FFP volunteers Laura Hewitt, Bruce Landgrebe, Dotty Palmer, and Nancy Raymond in formally accepting the funds.

[naviga:u]The May 11 event at Fairfield Hills[/naviga:u] was a challenge for walkers and runners of all ages and abilities. It also doubled as a fundraiser for [naviga:u]the nonecumenical food pantry open to all Newtown residents[/naviga:u].

As with the majority of road races, there was an entry fee for participants. The [naviga:u]race fees were earmarked for the pantry[/naviga:u].

In addition, Run4Hunger participants were invited to bring up to three nonperishable items with them the morning of the race. According to Knight Jon Miodonka, that collection also increased over the 2018 efforts.

“We collected about 1,500 canned and nonperishable items this year,” he said. “It was up from last year.

“We also include local sponsors to collect donations like Reverie Brewing Co and NYA,” he added. “St Rose School does a school contest for nonperishables too; that is included in that 1,500 items.”

<p>Knights of Columbus members visited by FAITH Food Pantry on June 18 to formally deliver funds raised through the council’s Second Annual Run4Hunger. From left are Knights Jeff Leja, Chris Carney, Jon Miodonka, and Bill Manfredonia, presenting to FFP President Lee Paulsen, who was joined by volunteers Laura Hewitt, Nancy Raymond, Dotty Palmer, and Bruce Landgrebe. The inaugural Run4Hunger last year raised $1,500 for the food pantry.</p><p>—Bee Photo, Hicks</p>
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