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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Newtown Ambulance A Blessing When In Need



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To the Editor:

It has been almost one year since I needed the services of the Newtown Ambulance, and I am sorry it has taken so long for me to write this letter. I gave blood at the St Rose blood drive… everything was going fine until I went over to the drink area. I had some liquids but then felt very dizzy. After lying down for about half an hour and unable to hold any nourishment down, it was suggested I go to the ER. They called the Newtown Ambulance service for me.

While waiting for them to arrive, I saw my friend, Tom Hanlon, and called him over, believing he was on duty. He was not. However, he waited with me until they arrived and made sure I was safely on board the ambulance and an IV was running smoothly. I asked if he could do me one more favor… call TJMaxx to tell them I would not be at work that day. He went one step further. He went to the store and personally delivered the message.

This was my first ambulance ride (nice to cross this off my bucket list) and it was on my son’s birthday, the last time I was in a hospital. The team was kind, considerate, and gentle, carrying me down a flight of stairs very carefully and safely. I praise the ambulance team for helping me through this dreadful experience and feel blessed that we have this service in Newtown.

Dottie Dellapiano

31 Copper Creek Circle, Newtown        July 1, 2018

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