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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

The Difference Horses Make



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The Difference Horses Make

To the Editor:

I want to start off by saying horses literally mean my future. I have no interests nor talents in any sports, for example, soccer or baseball. However, when it comes to horses I have an amazing interest and talent in riding and caring for horses. They affect my future greatly because in order to get into a good college, schools aren’t looking for just a student that can excel in academics. They also look for an all around good student who has other interests and is involved in other activities. My interest in horses has gotten me involved in such activities as 4-H, horse committee, drill team, hippology, quizbowl, and horse judging to name a few. With these clubs and a very good academic status, I plan to go on to UConn to major in vet-science and equine management.

I’d also like to address the issue of horse involvement being a way to keep kids out of trouble. Would you rather see kids smoking or being involved with horses? The other day I was on a trail ride with two other friends and we were riding up a hill and my friend said, “Why would anyone want to get high when they could really just fly on a horse?”

Newtown’s heritage is known for so many horses. Why take the core of Newtown away? I go to Nonnewaug High School located in Woodbury, which is an agricultural high school. I go to this type of high school because I am very interested in agriculture, farming and horses specifically. This school offers an opportunity known as the SAEP (supervised agricultural experience program). It teaches leadership, and responsibility. Without horses in Newtown, I and many other students would not be able to complete our 200 hours of experience that we need.

 My Mom and I have both grown up with horses our whole life and because of this I know the value of farming and owning horses as a way of life. I also know my Mom would rather know I am out doing something with horses than going to the mall. And with today’s violence who knows what could happen there.

Many kids and adults in Newtown are unable to keep their horses at home due to already established regulations and restrictions on the building of horse facilities. Therefore, causing them to have to board them at a local horse facility. To put further restrictions on horse and boarding facilities, and slowly eliminating them from Newtown will keep many people from having horses and it will hurt the horse community.

I’d like to conclude by saying I have the most amazing friends through 4-H and being involved with horses. They’re great friends because with horses to take care of they have learned to be responsible, respectful, and hard working. They are true friends because they know what it means to care for and take care of each other. Restricting the rights of the people in Newtown to own horses not only restricts property lines, but it restricts dreams. Thank you to those of you who support me.

Thank you,

Nicole Butler

23 Hi Barlow Road, Newtown                                      June 29, 2001

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