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Snapshot: Olivia Koziol



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Occupation: I just graduated from Boston College. For the past several years, when I'm not at school, I have been working as a dance instructor, most recently at a theater in Manhattan. My goal is to be a dancer. I broke my leg in December, but I'm almost fully recovered. I have a lot of styles that I am interested in, and they seem to complement Broadway right now.

Family: I'm the eldest of six children. We're all a little nuts, but in a really fun way. The youngest is turning 13 in a couple months, which means we're all teenagers and up. My father is a stone mason. My mom has done a lot of things over the years, but currently she is looking into academic advising for universities because that's her passion. She loves people and people love her.

Pets: We have a dog named Rudy who's not very smart, but completely lovable. We have a cat named Fawn who is the most pretentious, snobby cat ever - it's hilarious. She is very beautiful, and she is very aware of it. We have 30 chickens, which is very entertaining. When you walk out the front door they all come up to you and follow you.

How long have you lived in Newtown? I think I was 1 or 2 when we moved here, so 20 or 21 years. I've spent the last four years living in Boston and New York, but I'm back now for a year.

What do you like to do in your free time? Well, when I'm not working, I'm dancing; and when I'm not dancing I'm working. I love it. If I'm not rehearsing for something, then I'm rehearsing for something else. It's hard, but it's really fun.

Do you have a favorite book? I have three favorite books, and they've been consistent my entire life: Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and then The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. They're all classics. You can't go wrong with anyone of those.

Do you have a favorite travel destination? I spent three months in Poland. My family is from there, and it was incredible. I lived in the city of Kraków alone and was taking classes. It's very inexpensive and has a lot of history. It was one of the only cities in Poland that was not destroyed in World War II by the Nazis, because they saw it and thought it was beautiful.

What is the best thing about Newtown? I have several friends from New Jersey, Massachusetts, New York and even Turkey who have come by Newtown to visit, and I have made all of them get a flagpole sandwich from Misty Vale and get ice cream from The Creamery. Every single one of them has come back at some point on their own and gotten a flagpole, because it's that delicious. There are lots of other wonderful things about Newtown, but that's something people that don't know this town are impressed by.

Who has been the greatest influence in your life? My mom. When I was a kid, she told me how I'm going to go to college and that I would have to have a backup plan. Then I got to college and my mom said, "Stop being stupid. You're going to be a dancer. Everything is going to be fine. Follow your dreams." Most moms encourage you to do the smart thing, and my mom encourages me to do the thing I love. She is why I have been successful and why I get to pursue my dreams.

Do you have a guilty pleasure? My go-to show that I have on all the time, no matter what I'm doing, is How I Met Your Mother. I've probably gone through the entire series at least eight times. I'm such a sucker for Neil Patrick Harris.

Olivia Koziol is this week's Snapshot profile.
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