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Old And New Combine For 50th Labor Day Parade Extravaganza



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Old And New Combine For 50th Labor Day Parade Extravaganza

By Nancy K. Crevier

The annual Newtown Labor Day Parade is always a joyful lineup of fire trucks, horseback riders, politicians, bands, dancers, and floats, and the 2011 50th Anniversary Parade promises all that, and more, said parade committee president Beth Caldwell. To begin with, the Newtown High School Band has traditionally led the parade, but this year will acquiesce that honor to the newly formed Newtown Police Department Honor Guard.

If images of a team of horses straining at the traces of a stagecoach as it tears across the plains of the Wild West whet your imagination, saddle up and find a spot along the sidelines. The Newtown Labor Day Parade Committee is pleased to announce that the September 5 parade will feature an appearance by the authentic reproduction Wells Fargo stage coach, pulled by a specially trained team of horses, under the direction of a highly skilled stagecoach driver. The horse-drawn stagecoach appears at parades and events nationwide, so the committee was thrilled to find that it would be in the Connecticut region the end of this summer, said Ms Caldwell, and they booked it immediately. The bright red stagecoach is billed as a “symbol of legendary service on the American frontier” and will be an exciting addition to the parade, said Ms Caldwell.

Weather permitting, paradegoers will also be treated to a flyover during the parade of a B-25, the twin-engined bomber used by Allied air forces during World War II, as well as two classic fighter planes, Texan T-6 Flyers.

Anyone who attended the 2001 Labor Day Parade cannot forget the sight of the enormous American flag held aloft by volunteers as it was marched down Main Street, and then hoisted up by crane in front of the Newtown Police Department. This year, three historical flags, each measuring 45 by 90 feet, will be presented prior to the start of the parade. Like the Wells Fargo stagecoach, these flags travel all over the country, said Ms Caldwell. “The Nations’ Flags will be unfurled at the flagpole at approximately 9:30 am,” she said, “and then at the Grand Stand on Queen Street at approximately 10 am.” An official photo will be taken at each location, and parade participants are welcome to join in the unfurling of the flags at each location.

Look for the parade judges riding in an antique fire truck, among them Dr Bob Grossman. “Dr Grossman has been to every single parade in Newtown, so we are really excited to have him as one of our judges this year,” Ms Caldwell said. He will join the other judges in determining which entries receive honors, including who gets the coveted pewter plate Rooster Award.

New to the celebration of Labor Day this year will be the pre- and postparade fair located in front of the Newtown Middle School, on Queen Street. Beginning at 7 am, food vendors — including The Meat House and The Happy Cheesesteak — will offer their fare to the hungry throngs attending the parade. They will be joined by a variety of craft vendors, as well as a display of vintage and hot rod cars, said Ms Caldwell. Live music is also scheduled for the parade fair.

All of these exciting additions, as well as the many bands and organizations that appear each year, come at a cost, though, said Ms Caldwell. The parade committee is very grateful to its Platinum Sponsor, Newtown Savings Bank, for supporting the end of summer event, as in previous years. Additionally, the Rotary Club of Newtown is providing funding through a Gold Sponsorship, and Steve Bigham of Newtown Publishing, and the DaSilva Law Firm are providing support as Silver Sponsors. The Savings Bank of Danbury, Newtown Hardware, and the Newtown Lions Club are Event Sponsors.

“It costs well over $20,000 to put on the parade,” said Ms Caldwell, “so we are hopeful that we will get more individual and business sponsors to help defray the costs.” For further information about becoming an Event, Silver, or Gold sponsor, contact Ms Caldwell at Beth.Caldwell@Raveis.com.

Individual donations are encouraged. “Everybody loves the parade, but it is so hard to get contributions, and kind of scary how much we have to worry about making ends meet each year,” said Ms Caldwell. To donate, send checks payable to the Newtown Labor Day Parade, Inc, to PO Box 746, Newtown CT 06470, or to Newtown Savings Bank, PO Box 497, Newtown CT 06470.

“It is going to be a wonderful parade,” predicted Ms Caldwell. “I can’t wait to see everyone there.”

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