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The Problem Is AC



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The Problem Is AC

To the Editor:

Air conditioning. That is the problem with Washington, D.C., today. Before the US Capitol was air conditioned in 1928, members of Congress would go home for the summer to escape the heat and humidity of the nation’s capitol.

When they went home the senators and congressmen, like it or not, had to live in their home towns and meet with the voters. A fringe benefit was that they were not making law or — as things are today — bickering about what laws not to make.

The solution is so simple. Turn off the air conditioners in May and Congress will close up by Memorial Day. The reciprocal of that will work with heat. Just shut the heat off in October and again Congress will head for the hills.

In fact this system would work for the dunderheads in Hartford. To get a jump on this I submit that we start small with the Newtown Board of Education for example.

The national embarrassment over the debt limit would have been over by now and the problem solved.

And who knows, maybe the Board of Education might be willing to listen to the Newtown voters and put the transportation nonsense behind us.

Just think of what we could accomplish if we turned out the lights, too!

RP Gottmeier

13 Antler Pine Road, Sandy Hook                                  July 31, 2011

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