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Throw All Of Them Out



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Throw All Of Them Out

To the Editor:

Our incompetent, self-serving, inept, corrupt government has raised the debt ceiling again to solve America’s financial crisis. President Obama and both parties have come to the aid of our country at, of course, the 11th hour! It is simply passing the buck and now the brain trust in Washington is going to create a “Super Congress” to help solve the financial crisis. The debt limit was raised enough to meet a demand by the President so the increase will be sufficient so that Congress doesn’t have to wrestle with it again until 2013. The real reason behind that is to push it past an election year. Does Washington think we are all idiots? Let’s continue to push the can down the road! We will not forget come election time.

The President has stated that there was no guarantee that social security checks would be sent out on time if an agreement was not reached. How come he didn’t mention that anybody who is sitting at home on welfare not working and not contributing to the tax system will not get their money on time as promised each month? Stop the scare tactics Mr President; you are lost! Washington is out of touch with the American people. “We the people” are not being represented by our government; instead, we are being managed by our government. Hopefully, come election time we will throw all of them out, regardless of party affiliation. It will take votes for the American people’s voices to be heard. “We the people” need to understand that there are consequences to voting and not voting.

Where are the cuts? Let’s start with congressional salaries and benefits. Next, stop the wars! For five months NATO has been bombing Libya and cannot dislodge Gadhafi’s regime. I thought NATO was there to enforce a “no-fly” zone. Just recently NATO warplanes bombed three Libyan state TV satellite transmitters in Tripoli. Were the transmitters flying? We are part of NATO and continue to flush taxpayer money down the toilet. Here we are in the middle of a historic debt crisis in our country and we are dropping bombs for what? I am glad President Obama knew what he was talking about when he said Libya would “take days, not weeks.” The lies continue to come from all sides in Washington and there is “zero” leadership in Washington regardless of party.

I have thought long and hard about the political mindset in Washington. Thinking like a Washington politician, I have come up with a proposal to solve an important issue in this country. Let’s raise blood alcohol levels to solve drunk driving!

Rich Narel

18 Philo Curtis Road, Sandy Hook                              August 2, 2011

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