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To the Editor:



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To the Editor:

As the death knell rings for our country do we understand what has happened? Our country was created as a constitutional republic to protect our freedoms and liberties. Today we are in the grips of fascism, socialism, and on the road to communism. We have an illegal president (not born in the United States, aka Barry Soetoro) who fronts for the international bankers who are our real enemy, calling the shots and buying off our politicians.

America’s original ideology of self-reliance and entrepreneurship made it the wealthiest country in the world, but there has been a coup d’etat in Washington. The international bankers have created the economic austerity by design. Their intention is to impoverish America creating a tyrannical neo-serfdom leaving us totally dependent on them for all our needs.

In 1787, Benjamin Franklin knowing the flawed nature of man informed us we had a Republic, “if we can keep it.” Can we? We all need to wake up and make sure we know who and what we are voting for in November!

Chris Murphy does not believe in self-reliance and entrepreneurship. He believes in Big Government with its never ending need for more spending, more laws, more mandates, and more regulations, which always means more taxes. Remember he voted for the Obamacare bill which if not nullified by the states will further assist the destruction of our economy, health industry and our freedoms. His affinity is towards the powers that be, not for the American people. Don’t be fooled by the tricks these politicians play promising stuff they shouldn’t or can’t deliver. This country is choked by regulation, mandates, and illegal taxes. Vote Murphy out!

For the Fifth District, Mark Greenberg is our man! He understands the problems of too much government. He understands that government spending and taxes hurt the economy. Mark Greenberg has been endorsed by Peter Schiff. You can’t do better than that!

Linda McMahon, Republican candidate for senator, is a Democrat in disguise and will march to the drum of the liberal agenda. Nothing here, but betrayal. Move along.

A vote for senatorial candidate Peter Schiff in the primary on August 10 will be a step in the right direction to help save our country. He is by far the best we can send to Washington. He knew the money crisis was coming. He knows how to fix it. He respects the US Constitution and is not the typical career politician. Peter Schiff is endorsed by Ron Paul.

If you know anyone in the Fourth District, direct him to Rick Torres, a Constitutional candidate who knows how to restore liberty and prosperity to America. Rick Torres is also endorsed by Ron Paul.

Diligent attention by the people of America on all levels, local, state, and federal will be needed to resuscitate our country. We cannot just vote then forget. We must be the government. We must be the watchdogs for the corrupt and on guard for the manipulators.

Babette Lagnese

Pebble Road, Newtown                                                   August 3, 2010

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