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Thanks, Not Criticism, Deserved



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To the Editor:

To all the mayors, first selectmen, the governor, and anyone else that sees fit to criticize the storm response from the utility companies. Be very happy that the laws were written by the government and not the utilities.

I do not believe that a single tree that fell on the utilities’ wires was owned by the utilities. Every tree was owned by the state, the town, or individual land owners.

The utilities should have (but don’t have) the right to bill the town and state for damage caused to their equipment by the falling trees. You criticize the utilities for not being prepared; how about the town and state start cutting down the trees that they own that fall and take out the power and phones?

Linemen from all over the US left their homes and started driving to help us out. Our own linemen left their families (many without power themselves) to begin restoration efforts.

Considering the extensive amount of damage, I think we owe them a great big thank you instead of the criticism that they are receiving.

Gary Liljengren

15 Split Rock Road, Newtown August 12, 2020

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