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Some Ideas For Improving Communication



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Some Ideas For Improving


To the Editor:

It is gratifying to see that Newtown residents and local newspapers are paying more attention to improved communication and transparency in local government, something IPN has consistently supported.

If elected first selectman in November, I would encourage a more open and receptive government in Newtown. Here are some specific things I would do to improve communication and transparency in our government:

Broadcast the Board of Selectmen meetings to allow the residents to observe and listen to the BOS deliberations and actions. Encourage other boards to do the same. Allowing the public to see and listen to how our elected officials perform their jobs will raise the level of performance to a new level.

Encourage public participation at the Board of Selectman meetings by expanding public comment to two opportunities, with an opportunity for public participation at the end of the meeting. It can be very frustrating to voters to hear an issue raised at a meeting and be forced to wait until the next month to comment.

Hold open question-and-answer meetings with the public. However, unlike the no agenda meeting which the current board has offered, I will hold meetings on specific topics of interest to the voters and on which the selectman need input. The meetings will be well publicized and voters who have a keen interest in the agenda issue will be encouraged to come, ask questions and get straight answers.

Publish the BOS agenda with greater detail so that voters understand the discussion topics. I will discourage adding agenda items the night of the meeting to ensure adequate notice of the items to be discussed.

Executive sessions to be held only when absolutely necessary. The public will be advised as to exactly what the topic of discussion will be.

Discourage a vote immediately after a public hearing to ensure that the BOS and other boards adequately consider public input prior to when decisions are made. Voting immediately after the public hearing creates a perception that the decision was already made and the hearing was perfunctory.

Encourage consistent sharing of meeting agendas and minutes among all town boards.

Establish a method for residents to sign up to receive email notifications of meetings to be held, minutes, and other important information, such as emergency notices.

Ask The Newtown Bee to allow me the privilege of writing a monthly column so that readers can hear directly from me on issues of importance to them. I will also explore starting a blog on the town website to encourage interactive communications.

Communications and transparency are not just catch words. They are concepts that make government more responsive to the people. I’m committed to doing everything I can to make our town government a government of and for the people.

Please email me at bwalczak@snet.net or visit www.independentpartyofnewtown.com or become a fan on Facebook with your ideas as to how I or IPN can improve communication and transparency in Newtown government.

Bruce Walczak

12 Glover Avenue, Newtown                            August 12, 2009

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