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Snapshot: Victoria Weimann



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Occupation: I work as a secretary for Newtown Parks and Recreation. I also lifeguard and teach swim lessons at the Newtown Community Center.

Family: I was born and raised in Newtown with my older brother, Mitchell, who is now in the Coast Guard. My mom works for the town in the clerk’s office and my dad is a master cabinet maker.

Pets: I have a Rottweiler mix named Lilly. We adopted her from the Newtown pound about 12 years ago. She’s the best dog we’ve ever had.

How long have you lived in Newtown? I’ve lived in Newtown all my life, 19 years.

What do you like to do in your free time? During my free time I like to go swimming at the [Newtown] Community Center and go kayaking on Lake Lillinonah with my dad.

What is your favorite travel destination? My favorite travel destination is Lake George, N.Y. I started going there in middle school with one of my friends and have loved going ever since. It’s a beautiful place to go, especially in the fall. It has a lot of pretty trails to go hiking on in the mountains and lots of fun activities to do, like zip lining.

What is the best part about Newtown? There are a lot of good places to go hiking around town and places to explore.

Who has been the greatest influence in your life? My brother, Mitchell, has been the greatest influence on my life. He’s always been a great older brother and encouraged me to do my best and been a great supporter in whatever I do.

Who is your favorite musical artist? I don’t have a favorite artist in particular, but I like listening to country music. It always puts me in a good mood.

What is the greatest piece of advice you have ever been given? My mom always tells me “This too shall pass” whenever I am stressed or have a lot going on. It reminds me that even though things aren’t good right in the moment, eventually they will be again.

What is your favorite TV show? My favorite TV show is probably Archer. I started watching it in my junior year in high school and it’s one of the few shows I’ll rewatch.

What is your favorite movie? My favorite movie series is Star Wars. I grew up watching it with my dad and brother.

What is your favorite food? My favorite food, at the moment, is mac and cheese.

What is your proudest accomplishment? My proudest accomplishment is getting a job with the town right after graduating high school. I feel like it was a good first step into the working world.

Victoria Weimann is this week's Snapshot profile. —photo courtesy Victoria Weimann
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