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No Place For Hate



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To the Editor:

As a member of Congregation Adath Israel, I was deeply sadden to learn about the hateful vandalism that occurred this weekend. However, as our community has learned from a much more tragic event, our community is made up of some of the most wonderful neighbors you can hope for. The outpouring of sympathy and empathy is beyond gratifying. The response from our First Selectman, Dan Rosenthal, the Newtown Police Department, the Botsford Fire Department, and the amazing people from Public Works who had the building cleaned and looking as if nothing had ever happened before services started on Saturday is love in its purest form.

If this was the work of a misguided person or persons, then hopefully they can be educated to learn the errors of their way. And if it was a more sinister act, then those responsible will soon learn that hate has no place for them in our community. The words found on the memorial plaque outside the front door express my feelings the best:

“May we always be grateful to those who fought against tyranny, our Country and this wonderful Community for allowing us to practice our faith.”

Jake Danziger

5 Stonewall Ridge Road, Newtown August 26, 2019

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