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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Questions To Ask About Your Stuff



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To the Editor:

Next time you go to a toy store, look around. Do you see something you want? Something you can get for a friend or family member?

Now look at that thing again, and ask yourself these questions:

Is it plastic? Will I/they really enjoy and use this thing? Will it last a long time or break on the second use? How much more plastic and/or foam is involved in its packaging?

Consider all these things before buying.

Another good way to help is using less stuff. When factories make stuff — clothes, plastic bags, balls, nail polish, cell phones, pens — they also create CO2.

Then, after a while they go into a dump and break down, creating more CO2. So using less stuff is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. Your carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gasses you add to the atmosphere by living your daily life.

The average American puts about 16 tons every year! But two tons is the average everyone needs to reach by 2050, according to scientists. Another thing you can do to reduce your carbon footprint is buy local, or things that come from your own state.

Transporting products across the country uses a lot of fossil fuels.

Once my friend asked my sister what she wanted for her birthday, and she said, “a bowling set — but not if it’s plastic because it’s bad for the planet.” (She is turning 7.)

Please consider these things the next time you go to the store.


Clare Danner


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1 comment
  1. qstorm says:

    ‘The average carbon footprint for a person in the United States is 16 tons, one of the highest rates in the world. Globally, the average carbon footprint is closer to 4 tons. To have the best chance of avoiding a 2℃ rise in global temperatures, the average global carbon footprint per year needs to drop to under 2 tons by 2050.’


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