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Senior services for Newtown seniors are available at the Multi-Purpose Building on Riverside Road in Sandy Hook. The Senior Center is under the auspices of The Commission on Aging. The center is run by the Senior Services Director, Marilyn Place. For



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Senior services for Newtown seniors are available at the Multi-Purpose Building on Riverside Road in Sandy Hook. The Senior Center is under the auspices of The Commission on Aging. The center is run by the Senior Services Director, Marilyn Place. For more information about programs offered at the Senior Center call 270-4310.

You may drop in at the Senior Center on Riverside Road in Sandy Hook weekdays between 10 am and 4 pm. A hot meal is served at noon for which you must reserve three days in advance.

Newtown has daily door-to-door mini-bus service Monday through Friday. Buses also run all day from the senior center to Sand Hill Plaza. On Fridays, the bus alternates between rides to Danbury Fair Mall and Berkshire Plaza in Danbury (to Wal*Mart Route 6). Cost is 65¢ each way for the Sand Hill Plaza trip, 75¢ each way for out of town. Call 748-2511 TWO DAYS IN ADVANCE to book a ride and get the out-of-town Friday schedule.

This Week’s Programs

*The senior center will be CLOSED on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, in observance of Labor Day.

We’ll be open again on Tuesday with a full scheduled of events, activities and lunch.

*Our next POT LUCK DINNER will be on September 6.

These dinners are held on the first Tuesday of each month; call for the start time.

In the fall we’re going to have themes for the monthly dinners. On September 6, join us for a 50s theme dinner; October 4, Pumpkin Surprise; November 1, Harvest Gathering; and December 6, Holidays.

*Meet MARK INGRAM from CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS on Wednesday, September 7. Mark will be here at 1 pm to discuss how to get involved in Charter’s Community Access channel including custom training to create your own television show, and how to participate in the internship program. Participants of all ages and backgrounds regularly work together.

Please join us for this very informative seminar. Call the senior center to reserve a seat.

*Mark your calendar! On Thursday, September 8, LARRY AYCE IS BACK singing old-time favorites for a 50s get-together.

The program will start at 1. Come join us – sock hop the afternoon away!

News For Week of

 September 5-9

*CONNOPACE/MEDICARE PART D: If you do not understand the letters from Social Security pertaining to changes in Medicare Part D, call 270-4330 for help.

If you need help with your prescriptions and your income is less than $21,400 (single person) or $28,900 (couple), you should apply for ConnPace. You will still sign up for Medicare Part D and if you qualify for ConnPace, you will not pay the $37 monthly premium.

*The senior center will host an APPLE BAKING CONTEST on Thursday, September 22.

Cook or bake up your best apple recipe and plan to drop it off at the center by noon that day. Judging will take place at 1.

Come for lunch and stay to sample the goodies after the judges announce and award their prizes. Call for details and to sign up.

*Join us on Tuesday, September 27, at 1 pm, for a PERFORMANCE OF BARRYMORE by Richard Clark.

Attendees will enjoy a special performance depicting the life and times of John Barrymore, the original bad boy actor of the early 20th Century.

Have a great time as Richard takes us down memory lane. Call for a performance reservation, and don’t forget to make one for lunch.


REMINDERS: New England’s premier event each fall, the region’s “Great State Fair,” THE BIG E returns in September and we’re planning on spending a day there.

Call for details (like the date of the event, which wasn’t included in the newsletter). Cost is $38, and departure will be at 8:30 am.

*Has it been a while since you’ve played BRIDGE? Would you like to learn how? Stop by the senior center any Monday at 10 am for a game or two.

*ETHEL KAUFMAN is at the senior center every Monday at 1 pm to lead a CHORUS GROUP. Come enjoy some festive music with your friends.

*COMPUTER CLASSES are being offered on Mondays and Tuesdays from 3 to 4:30 pm. All levels of computer users are welcome.

This class will deal with email, Word and the Internet. Stop in for details.

*Pat Babbage teaches EXERCISE classes on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Classes begin at 10:30 am.

*HATHA YOGA classes are offered on Monday and Thursday mornings at 10. Try a class with Helen Herbold to get rid of stress and anxiety while learning to breathe correctly. Bring a mat or towel to lie on and wear loose clothing (no belts; sweats are perfect). Also learn how to use all the muscles in your body through relaxation.

*Lynn Flanders is teaching COUNTRY-WESTERN LINE DANCING each Tuesday morning from 10:30 until 11:30. Cost for each class is $1. Lynn has a unique style and she’s full of energy – come join the fun!

*REGULAR MAH JONGG PLAYERS are reminded that the advanced group plays at 9 am on Fridays.

*QUILTING CLASS meets on Fridays at 10 am.

*Municipal Agent ANN PICCINI VISITS the senior center on Thursday mornings from 10 until noon to help with Conn Pace, medical information and Title 19 issues you may be having. Call ahead or just stop in to talk with someone who can help you figure your way through these sometimes confusing subjects.

If you can’t catch up with Ann during one of her visits at the senior center, try reaching her at her office at 3 Main Street (below the police department), Monday through Friday. Call her there at 270-4330.

*In the fall Newtown seniors are invited to participate in a four-day trip to THE ERIE CANAL, leaving Sandy Hook on October 7 ($579/single, $459/double or $449/triple); and/or a four day trip to WASHINGTON, D.C., departing Sandy Hook on November 10 ($569/single, $419/double or $399/triple).

Upcoming day trips include OCTOBER FEAST at Wright’s Mill Farm in Canterbury on October 12 ($73 per person), OCTOBERFEST at Platzl Brauhaus on October 20 ($68 per person), and gambling at MOHEGAN SUN on November 3 ($24 per person).

Stop by the senior center for full details for any of these outings.

Menu For Week of

September 5-9

Reservations must be made one or two days in advance.

Meals are subject to change.

Monday, September 5: Closed for Labor Day. No lunch or activities today.

Tuesday, September 6: Butter-crumb fish with lemon, baked potato, sour cream, fresh zucchini, oatmeal bread, diet Jell-O with topping;

Wednesday: Minestrone soup, unsalted crackers, Swedish meatballs, egg noodles, green beans, wheat dinner roll, fresh fruit;

Thursday: Sliced turkey with gravy, sweet potato pone, peas and onions, rye bread, cranberry sauce, sherbet;

Friday: Chef’s salad plate (turkey, ham, one half of hard-cooked egg, tomato, French dressing), Portuguese roll, cranberry juice, strawberry shortcake with topping.

Activities Schedule,

 September 5-9

Monday: No activities today – senior center will be closed on Labor Day.

Tuesday: AM Pinochle, country-western line dancing; PM bowling (at Brookfield Lanes), potluck dinner;

Wednesday: AM Pinochle, exercise; PM program on Charter Communications’ Community Access Channel;

Thursday: AM Pinochle, hatha yoga class, Municipal Agent visits, mah jongg lessons; PM music by Larry Ayce, bowling (at Brookfield Lanes), TRIAD/Yellow Dot photos taken;

Friday: AM advanced mah jongg, sewing, quilting; PM knitting.

 Remember, you must call at least one day in advance to book a meal or a ride, 270-4310; the Senior Bus, 748-2511.

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