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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Cultural Events

Birds Of Prey To Visit For Town And Country Garden Club Program



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On Wednesday, September 9, The Town and Country Garden Club will present their first program of the season.

This month’s guest will be Mary-Beth Kaeser from Horizon Wings. Located in Ashford, Horizon Wings is a non-profit wildlife rehabilitation center specializing in birds of prey.

Ms Kaeser will be bringing a variety of birds to discuss, including a peregrine falcon, a red tailed hawk, and two types of owls. 

The birds of prey cannot be released back into the wild because of their injuries. Fortunately, Horizon Wings can keep these birds at the center with a special permit and so they can be used for educational programs all over the state. Funding for the center is provided through educational programs and donations.

Ms Kauser founded the organization in 2001 as a non-profit organization for raptors. She has been a wildlife rehabilitator since 1985.

The Town & Country program will begin at 7 pm. It will be at Newtown Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road. It open to the public, free of charge.

For information about future programs or club membership call Judy Beers at 203-426-2785.

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