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Newtown, CT, USA

Woodbury FFA Hunter Pace



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Woodbury FFA Hunter Pace

The Woodbury FFA Alumni and Parent Support Group announce that the annual Woodbury FFA Hunter Pace fundraiser will be held Sunday, November 7, at Thunder Ridge Farm in Litchfield. Pre-entries must be postmarked or received by October 19 and entry forms are available online at www.woodburyffa.org or by calling Karrie Higgins at 203-723-4615. The fee is $55 in advance for adults and $45 for junior riders 18 and under (as of January 1, 2010.)

After the October 19 cutoff date, the entry fee is $65 for adults and $55 for junior riders. Starting times may be requested between 8 am and 2 pm on the entry form and are available on a first-come basis. All proceeds from the event go directly to the Woodbury FFA Alumni Scholarship Fund and are presented each year to graduating Woodbury FFA members, who are pursuing agricultural careers or further education, from Nonnewaug High School’s Ellis Clark Regional Agriscience and Technology Program.

The hunter pace course traverses numerous acres of privately owned land in the town of Litchfield. Much of the property is working farmland and includes wooded trails, stream crossings, open fields and pasture land. There are both cross country and stadium-type jumps on the course, although there are go-rounds on every obstacle for those who prefer not to jump. 

There will be a hack division for riders who prefer a modest, pleasure-type pace and a hunt division for riders who prefer a more forward, traditional hunting pace. Each division will be split into Junior and Senior divisions with mixed teams placed in the Senior division. Ribbons and trophies, as well as special prizes, will be awarded. The use of ASTM-SEI approved helmets is mandatory for all riders.

Proper proof of Coggins and rabies certificates must be submitted with entries. Any horse without proper proof of Coggins and rabies certificates will not be permitted on grounds per Thunder Ridge Farm management.

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