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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Keep Newtown Affordable



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To the Editor:

More than ever, it is important to strike a balance of power between political parties to achieve equity and fairness in Hartford. The only hope Newtown and the rest of Connecticut has, to fight tolls and keep Connecticut an affordable place to live, is to keep Republican representatives from allowing Democrat governors to ram new taxes and an out-of-control state budget down our throats, while cutting funds to suburbs, like Newtown.

One such example was the state’s 2017-2018 budget, which would have cut our schools from receiving nearly five million dollars of state education funding! The cuts were reversed by Mitch Bolinsky’s hard work and diplomacy. Luckily, we have that kind of fighter to represent our best interests in Hartford, and it is why I am endorsing Bolinsky.

Being a Republican in the sea of a Democrat-run state is not the sole reason to vote for Bolinsky. He is not a knee-jerk politician who will only vote along party lines. Mitch is someone who shakes hands across the aisle when the bill benefits the citizens of Connecticut, and always a respectful person who is open-minded, and listens to and understands an opinion different from his own. Although Bolinsky is a tough fighter for us, he is thoughtful and caring about both young and old. He not only fought the cut which would have affected our schools, our town’s budget, thus our property taxes, but fought to restore state cuts to special education. He is recognized by AARP and the Alzheimer’s Association for his dedication to our seniors.

Many, especially during this pandemic, are at the breaking point of keeping afloat financially. In addition to helping others get the pandemic benefits they deserved, Mitch has never once voted for a tax increase, nor tolls. Keep Newtown affordable. Vote Bolinsky.

Lois Barber

33 Zoar Road, Sandy Hook September 30, 2020

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