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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

They Get It



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To the Editor:

Connecticut needs job growth and a recovery from the COVID pandemic. Connecticut and the entire nation need to support first responders and our police as they risk their own lives in saving others and protecting all of us.

Mitch Bolinsky understands these are some of the big issues that need to be addressed. He has always championed these causes right here in Newtown and at the state level.

It’s no surprise that he recently secured the NFIB Connecticut PAC endorsement for his commitment to the needs of thousands of Main Street small businesses and their employees in Connecticut.

It’s no surprise that he also recently secured the Police Officers Association of Connecticut endorsement based upon his strong support and advocacy on the public safety issues that affect Connecticut communities and for his support for fair working conditions for the men and women who serve us all so faithfully.

Mitch gets it. NFIB gets it. POACT gets it. You should too.

Vote Bolinsky on November 3.

Kathy Hurley

12 Fairchild Drive, Newtown September 30, 2020

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1 comment
  1. mbordash says:

    I don’t know much about the other candidate other than what I’ve read on her linkedin profile but she seems to have made a career in and around government. I’m voting for Mitch once again specifically because of his prior background of NOT working in government, his success in the private sector, along with with his continuing government leadership in Hartford. I’ve had a hard time throughout my lifetime in CT relating to career government folks that run for office. If you haven’t employed a lot of people or failed 100x trying to build a product before success or have never been on the revenue generation side for a business — you can’t have the discipline to make the hard calls or know what it is like to compete in the universe. More government, more grants, more group-think activism is the historically regressive answer– diffused risk and reward across individuals is always the modern progressive answer. Mitch is one of the few folks left in this state that understands what happens when you unleash human motive power… reduce government, reduce taxes, return this state to the leadership of the people and watch our economy grow.

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