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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Columbus Day Children'sWorkshop At Flanders



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Columbus Day Children’s

Workshop At Flanders

WOODBURY — A Columbus Day holiday workshop will be offered at Flanders Nature Center & Land Trust for children in kindergarten through fourth grade on Monday, October 10, from 1 to 3 pm, at the North Barn.

The nature program asks the question: “Who’s more useful, the sheep or the horse?”

The answer will involve a contest to discover the many facets of both these animals, and explore just what makes them so versatile and valuable to us, yet so very different from each other..  

Children will use all their senses while actually observing a live horse and sheep. What are the characteristics of a horse? Do they race? Is horsehair different from sheep’s wool? Are they similar at all? Can horsehair be spun like sheep wool?

Children will learn the answers for themselves.

Participants will also enjoy a craft using natural materials, as well as games and hiking through the changing fall landscape of Flanders’ trails and fields.

Cost is $12 per child, and registration is necessary.

Contact Flanders at 203-263-3711. Flanders Nature Center is at the corner of Flanders and Church Hill Roads in Woodbury.

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