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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Persian Gulf War MemorialPlanned For Tercentennial Year



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Persian Gulf War Memorial

Planned For Tercentennial Year

A memorial is being planned to commemorate the Newtowners who served in the Persian Gulf War in the early 1990s. Involved in the planning are Charles Wrinn, Richard Gottmeier, Mae Schmidle, and Michael Hurley. The group has begun to meet on Tuesdays in the Mary Hawley Room of Edmond Town Hall to consider the size and nature and location of the memorial.

The following names have been researched for inclusion on the monument: Emory Check, Alan Crawford, William Evans, Lawrence Fischer, Kenneth Godfrey, Richard P. Gottmeier, Stephen Hannah, Kevin Hart, Bryan T. Hayward, Robert Knapp, Renee Knapp, Christopher Kieras, Robert Killing, Jr, John Klewicki, Wayne Kobrock, John Kepler, Brian Levitt, Michael Lynch, James Mead, Sean Mulvaney, David Schaedler, Robert E. Schmidle, Paul W. Schmidle, Donald Sturges, John Swart, Brian Wade, Darrick Waller, and Jonathan Wrinn.

The committee requests that anyone who has any additional names to be included in the memorial to e contact the committee members — Michael Hurley, South Main Street; Richard Gottmeier Antler Pine Road; Mae Schmidle, Echo Valley Rd (426-6264), or Charles Wrinn, Hundred Acres Road.

Interested Newtowners are invited to come to the next meeting to be held on October 18 at 7:30 pm.

Comments are open. Be civil.

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