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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Mitch Gets Things Done



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To the Editor:

Whether you’re a Republican or Democrat, please reelect Rep. Mitch Bolinsky. I am a hairstylist in town and we were all out of work as of March 20th. Each of us quickly submitted claims of unemployment and the owner, Leslie Beard, applied for the small business stimulus.

We all did what was asked of us, and continued to have issues with the DOL. We made repeated calls, wrote letters, sent e-mails, and received nothing from March until June. It was frightening and added to the pressures of the situation.

Finally, I came in contact with Mitch and he e-mailed me back within hours. He explained how he was going to handle it, and within ten days I had all ten weeks of my unemployment money deposited into my bank account. I actually sat and cried out of relief. The state had sent an e-mail in response to my many pleas for help finally in August, but Mitch solved it in a matter of days. He did the same for owner Leslie and many others who have struggled with the DOL during the pandemic.

We generally try not to talk politics in a salon environment, but Mitch is the exception because of what he has done for us and continues to do for the people. He is a legislator who cares and only wants to help and attack the issues head on as they come.


Isabella Perugini, Nathalie Lariviere, and Leslie Beard

Branded Styles Hair Studio

274 South Main Street, Newtown October 14, 2020

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