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Clure For Legislative Council District 3



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To the Editor:

I am writing this letter in support of Andrew Clure for Legislative Council District 3. I have been by Andy’s side through his increasing responsibilities in serving the residents of the Town of Newtown for the past six years.

We have lived in Newtown for over 18 years, and our children have progressed through the education system from kindergarten on up. Andy has always been an actively involved parent and resident, so it came as no surprise when he joined the Board of Managers at Edmond Town Hall in 2013. On this board, he worked hard to promote this town landmark and increase the revenue so that ETH could become more self-sustaining. One of the pursuits that continued long after his term ended is the ad revenue generating movie preview at the theatre, with Andy becoming the skilled camera man for the host, our son Tyler.

In 2015, Andy was elected to the Board of Education, where it has been his honor to serve for four years. He has worked tirelessly on the BOE, which bears the responsibility of over 70 percent of our town’s budget. His commitment to the children of Newtown and taxpayers is unrelenting. Andy is meticulous during the budget process, trying to balance the often-competing needs of our town.

His keen business sense, objectivity, sincerity, and drive to make Newtown a stronger community make Andy an exemplary choice for Legislative Counsel District 3. He is always listening to Newtown residents to keep his finger on the pulse of what our community wants and needs.

Andy is the leader we want at the table when critical decisions about Newtown are made.

Please vote on November 5th. I hope you will agree with me and cast your vote for Andrew Clure for Legislative Council District 3.

Thank you,

Lori Clure

24 Winton Farm Road, Newtown October 23, 2019

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