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Letters Of Endorsement



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Letters Of Endorsement

To the Editor:

 This is an open letter to my fellow Republicans in Newtown. It is my hope that you will forgive my intrusion into the affairs of another community.

 My fellow Republicans, what seems to be many years ago, I had the pleasure of being introduced to a young lady by one of my new Republican Committee people. That young lady was Donna A. Monteleone. That new committeeman was Donna’s father, Christopher, God rest his soul.

 Donna was much like her father, open, honest, and would not hesitate to give an opinion on any subject. As we all know in politics, that is truly refreshing. In a short time Donna asked about the Young Republican Club. I sponsored her and she was accepted and proved to be one of the most hard working and productive members. She always showed initiative and was a definite “self starter.” She became a credit to the club and to me personally.

Recently, I learned that Donna is running for the Board of Education in Newtown. In my personal opinion, Donna Monteleone will prove to be an outstanding member of the Board of Education. She has a well-rounded career and a successful one in both civilian and military life as well as being a dedicated mother, interested in the well being and education of her children.

 You will be doing yourself, your family and especially your children a very great favor by writing in the name of Donna A Monteleone on Election Day.

Best Wishes to you all for a bright future in Newtown.


H.J. Ferguson

Retired Member Republican Executive Committee

  Long Island, New York                                              October 31, 2007

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