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To the Editor:



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To the Editor:

This is a common sense letter. As I’ve become involved in the process of selecting Board of Education members, one thing has become glaringly evident. Doesn’t it seem obvious that the skillset critical to navigating our community’s children through our school system would have expertise as an educator of all levels of education? It isn’t just Newtown; but many districts vote business professionals, parent volunteers, and people with other backgrounds into a position where you really need a strong educational background to make the proper informed choices for our children.

Here is the common sense part; you would not have much confidence in bringing your car in for service if the salesman was advising the mechanic on how to complete the service work, would you? My point is this; we in Newtown have a unique opportunity to vote for someone who brings an exceptional educational background to our community. She has the qualifications to lead our schools so that the children of Newtown will receive a high-quality education.

I have seen the shortcomings of other school boards firsthand. My wife, Julie Luby, is your best choice for this community at this time, trust me.

I put this to the parents of all Newtown students: You deserve more! Demand Julie Luby for Board of Education.


Brian J. Luby


15 Fox Run Lane South, Newtown                    October 31, 2007

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