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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Working Women's Forum To Present Dale Allen



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Working Women’s Forum

To Present Dale Allen

The Working Women’s Forum, formerly known as Business and Professional Women’s Club of Newtown, will present “In Our Right Minds, A Celebration of Women, the Sacred Feminine and the Right Brain” by Dale Allen on November 7 at the Fireside Inn.

In Our Right Minds guides women to their strength as leaders. In a dynamic performance featuring myth, history, characters, comedy, original songs, art, and artifacts, Dale Allen will explore the Goddess archetype and how profoundly ancient wisdom can strengthen modern women. Dale Allen is a 15-year veteran of business and commercial communications and is accomplished lecturer, facilitator, playwright, and actress.

The meeting will begin with networking at 6 pm. Dinner will be at 6:30. Entrée choices are chicken Florentine, sirloin tips or vegetable lasagna. Phone reservations with entrée choice by Friday, November 4, to Kelly Urso, 364-1667 or kurso@charter.net. The cost for dinner will be $25.

The Working Women’s Forum is looking for a logo. Bring suggestions to the meeting and cast a vote. The winner of the logo contest will get dinner for free at the December 5 meeting.

The Working Women’s Forum is an organization that provides a forum for working women to meet and grow professionally and personally through education, networking, and the sharing of ideas and experiences. For information, www.workingwomensforum.net.

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