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A Glass With A Sparkling Future



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A Glass With A Sparkling Future

By Larissa Lytwyn

Newtown resident Devin Glass was among recipients recently honored with this year’s Governor’s Coalition for Youth with Disabilities (GYCD) scholarship.

With its first annual “Bright Lights, Stars of Achievement Benefit Dinner” November 6, the GYCD enjoyed the company of state and national labor, education, government, and community leaders.

Gov John G Rowland made opening remarks. Ted Kennedy, Jr, renowned advocate and attorney for persons with disabilities, was keynote speaker. In addition, Central Connecticut State University president Dr Richard Judd was honored for his work on behalf of GYCD and his commitment to students with disabilities.

“I have been drawn to music since before I can remember,” said Devin, an aspiring country musician enjoying his fifth semester at Berklee College of Music in Boston. “My mom has told me stories that I could recognize songs on the radio in my infancy. I guess it’s in my blood.”

Devin has Tourretts Syndrome and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. “These [disorders] both affect the nature of how I work and go about my daily routine,” he said. Devin recalls struggling to complete homework in grade school. “I had trouble concentrating,” he remembers.

Yet, he said he remained strong because “everything in life is a test.” His issues were simply “tests”to overcome.

“My advice for anyone who is struggling with a disability is to change your mindset,” Devin encouraged. “Think of your disability as a certain challenge in life that makes things interesting.”

He added, “It will make you a stronger person in the long run.”

GYCD scholarships are awarded annually to outstanding state high school students with disabilities to promote educational opportunities that help them achieve their career goals.

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