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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Occupation: I am site manager for the Newtown Senior Center kitchen. We put out a hot lunch five days a week. The menus are prepared one month in advance from headquarters in Waterbury. My job is to receive the food, heat it up, prepare it, and serve



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Occupation: I am site manager for the Newtown Senior Center kitchen. We put out a hot lunch five days a week. The menus are prepared one month in advance from headquarters in Waterbury. My job is to receive the food, heat it up, prepare it, and serve it.

I’ve been doing this job for eight months now, since March. Before that I had worked for the Parks and Recreation Department in computer data entry.


How Long In Newtown: I’ve lived here for two years. I was one of the first to occupy the new section of Walnut Tree Hill Village condominiums.

I was born in New Rochelle, N.Y., and I recently moved to Connecticut from Westchester County.

I love Connecticut and I really like living here in Newtown. It’s like life might have been 50 years ago. Remember, I grew up in the city so I notice the difference. It’s more laid back here. People talk to you. It’s nice.


Biggest Change You Have Seen In Town: On a personal level, the biggest change I experienced was when I first moved into my new condo at Walnut Tree Hill Village. I was the only resident of the second phase of condos and for one week, there were no outside lights, no phones, and no TV.

Then the rest of the 95 units were occupied, and everything changed for the better.


 Family: My brother, Louis La Croce, has lived in Newtown 45 years. He was part of the reason I decided to move here.

Pets: I have a Yorkshire terrier named Binky, who is 13 years old.


Hobbies: I like to take day trips with my friends. We just came back from Mohegan Sun.


Favorite TV Show, Movie, Book: My favorite book of all time is Dear and Glorious Physician by Taylor Caldwell. I must have read it six times. It’s about the life of Saint Luke.


Favorite Vacation Spot: It would be Hilton Head Island, S.C.

Organizations: I am a member of St Rose of Lima Church.


Most Vivid Memory About Newtown: Some of my best memories are of walking in Fairfield Hills. It is so tranquil and peaceful there.

I also like my $2 movies at Edmond Town Hall.


Personal Philosophy: Enjoy every day. A stranger is a friend you haven’t met yet. I talk to everyone.

SNAPSHOT: Lee De Lucia

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