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Public Invited To Weekend Oath Of Office Ceremony



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The public is invited to attend an Oath of Office Ceremony of Elected Officials planned for this weekend.

The Town of Newtown will host the event, scheduled for 11 am Saturday, November 20, at Newtown Community Center, 8 Simpson Street.

The oath of office will be administered to those who recently won or were re-elected to municipal positions on Tuesday, November 2: First Selectman Dan Rosenthal;

Board of Selectmen members Maureen Crick Owen and Ed Schierloh;

Legislative Council members Jeffrey Capeci, Philip Carroll, Angela Curi, William DeRosa, Christopher Gardner, Dan Honan, Lisa Kessler, Tom Long, Ryan Knapp, Michelle Embree Ku, and Matt Mihalcik;

Town Clerk Deb Aurelia Halstead;

Board of Finance members Chandravir Ahuja, Geoff Dent, Steven Goodridge, John Madzula, Laura Miller, and Erica Sullivan;

Board of Education members Janet Kuzma, Jennifer Larkin, and Don Ramsey;

Board of Assessment Appeals

Planning & Zoning Commission (full-term) members Roy Meadows and Gregory Rich, and (filling a two-year vacancy) Kersti Ferguson;

P&Z alternates Brian Leonardi, David Rosen, and Connie Widmann;

Zoning Board of Appeals members Alan Clavette and Rachel Rowen;

ZBA alternates Tiffany Hawley, David Landau, and Christina Paradis;

Police Commission members Brian Budd and Scott Cicciari;

and Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers full-term members Marie Smith and Betsy Paynter, and (filling a two-year vacancy) Armel Kouassi.

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