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Come Out To P&Z Meeting



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To the Editor:

Please attend the P & Z meeting on Thursday, December 1, at 7 pm, in the Municipal Center, a continuation of previous meetings regarding 90 Mt Pleasant Road.

The P&Z’s legal meeting notice in The Newtown Bee does not list this as part of the agenda. So for further confirmation, you must check the Planning & Zoning notices on the town website.

There are two applications by Farrell Building Co. in progress regarding 90 Mt Pleasant Road:

22.25 is for a zone change from M-2A to R2, from light industrial to residential.

22.26 seeks a Special Exception to permit construction of 200 rental apartments in 11 buildings, plus Clubhouse.

Once the zoning is changed to residential, if Farrell decides not to develop their project, another developer could propose an even larger apartment complex at the location.

Please participate in the future of our town!

Sherry Bermingham


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