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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Can You Help Santa This Holiday Season?



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To the Editor:

Santa is unable to ring for us this year. Like many local businesses he is experiencing labor shortages at his workshop and has to pitch in himself. We are in need of volunteers to help fill some remaining spots to ring the bell at our Red Kettles around town.

We currently have 6 openings remaining for Friday and Saturday December 10th and 11th. We have more openings for the weekend of December 17th and 18th. So far we are very pleased with the response to ring this December and want to thank all those who have volunteered and signed up already.

Each slot is 1 hour. Families, music and pets help donations and make an hour seem like minutes. Please help us and sign up with SignUpGenius at http://bit.ly/2021bells or contact Glenn Nanavaty at 203-788-2762.

Funds raised go to help those in need in Newtown. We have seen an increase in need for assistance with oil and electric bills due to the rising energy costs this winter as well as the need for food.

Thank you,

Glenn Nanavaty

Chairman Salvation Army – Newtown Unit

Comments are open. Be civil.
  1. qstorm says:

    Get ‘woke’ go broke.

  2. dc says:

    Thank you Glenn Nanavaty and our Salvation Army Newtown Unit team, and all the people who volunteer their time and energy to make a difference in the lives of others. You are awesome

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