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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Humbled And Honored To Serve



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To the Editor:

Earlier this month I attended the swearing-in ceremony for the dozens of town officials that will begin new terms on their respective boards and commissions. It is impressive to consider the number of people who volunteer their time to make the community a better place. I would like to thank all these caring people who do what they do for a better Newtown.

The event provided an opportunity for me to reflect on the support and trust I received from the voters to join the Legislative Council. I am humbled and honored to serve. During the campaign I met people, from both parties, who previously served on the Council and their words encourage me to focus on listening and discovering common ground.

As we enter this holiday season with Thanksgiving, I want to express my thanks to everyone who voted and participated in the election. I hope everyone experiences peace and joy as we enter a new year committed to building an ever-stronger community.

Tom Long


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