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Chess Club Waiting List Grows



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Chess Club Waiting List Grows

By Larissa Lytwyn

Newtown High School senior Matt Abrams says playing chess has improved his ability in everything from math to social etiquette. 

For the second year in a row, Matt, president of the Newtown High School Chess Club, and fellow Newtown High School senior Michael Brill spends every Friday afternoon teaching Reed Intermediate School students special moves, strategies, and sometimes, how to play the game when encountering it for the first time.

“We generally teach two six- or eight-week classes an [academic] year,” said Matt, an avid player since his father introduced him to the game several years ago.

“Right now, I believe the Chess Club at Reed Intermediate School is the only one of its kind happening,” said Newtown Youth Services office manager Anita Arnold.

A waiting list is growing for more students to participate in Reed Intermediate’s Chess Club in January. 

  Newtown Middle School and elementary school students should consider registering for Chess Club and other extracurricular programs through their schools next month, Ms Arnold advised.

“I’m not sure which program each individual school offers, but I know registration begins soon,” she said.

Newtown Youth Services, explained Ms Arnold, uses high school-aged volunteers willing to help run many grade-school extracurricular programs.

“It’s an excellent opportunity for community service,” said Ms Arnold. “The younger kids love being with the older ones!”

Parent volunteers Mary Beth Hemingway and Cathy Harmonay currently monitor the Reed Intermediate Chess Club.

“Basically, we just make sure everything is going smoothly,” said Ms Harmonay. “It’s a great group!”

For more information about the Chess Club, contact Newtown Youth Services at 270-4335.

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