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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA

Kitchen Kudos



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Kitchen Kudos

To the Editor:

This year Christmas has come early to Newtown in the form a shiny and brand-spanking-new kitchen in Edmond Town Hall. As the chairman of the annual Newtown Rotary Pancake Day, words fail me to adequately express my gratitude to the Board of Managers for the spectacular renovation they have undertaken.

I would like to invite the entire community to our 48th Annual Pancake Day this Saturday, December 6, and join us for pancakes and sausages in Edmond Town Hall. Tickets are $7 (children are $3) and it is all-you-can-eat. As always, all of our profits go to charity with most of the funds supporting Newtown organizations. This year, more than ever, there is a great need by so many that we hope to break all records in attendance. We ask that if at all possible you bring, in addition to your appetite, a nonperishable item to help restock the food pantry. At our event, we will also have a registration drive for Amber Alert, we will be serenaded by students of the Frazer-Woods School, and there will be raffles.

Please join your neighbors in celebrating a Newtown tradition and come marvel at the beautiful new facilities that we will be cooking in.

Hope to see you on Saturday!

Jake Danziger

Rotary Pancake Chair

5 Stonewall Ridge Road, Newtown                         December 3, 2008

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