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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Celebrating A Food Donation Drive At SHS



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In celebration of collecting donations for the annual Women Involved in Newtown (WIN) Thanksgiving Basket Program, the entire Sandy Hook Elementary School gathered in the gymnasium on November 27.

The culminating event included students walking laps in the gymnasium while other students clapped and cheered. Teachers also faced off in different activities, like stacking cups and a three-legged race course.

Many across town contributed to this year’s Thanksgiving baskets, which WIN distributed to Newtown families. At Sandy Hook School, classes worked in teams to donate food items. The school was divided into four teams — red, orange, green, and blue. Physical education teacher Jackie Lloyd organized the collection and celebration.

Students sat with their teams, filling the gymnasium with T-shirts in the team colors, for the celebration.

“We expect you to cheer each other on, be kind, and be positive,” Ms Lloyd said.

Then music played as each team took a turn walking around the gymnasium. Students were holding handmade signs to celebrate raising food donations and sharing supportive messages for their teammates.

Later, it was announced that the blue team donated the most to the effort by collecting 764 food items. The green team collected 600 for second place. The purple team earned the honor of “sportsmanship” and the red team earned “the most color.”

Ms Lloyd thanked everyone for their efforts in the food drive near the end of the celebration.

The red team — all of the students wearing red for the day — stands up at the Sandy Hook Elementary School November 27 celebration assembly. —Bee Photos, Hallabeck
Sandy Hook Elementary School students Tiernan Donoghue, left, and Dylan Rankin hold signs at the November 27 celebration while walking a lap around the gymnasium.
Sandy Hook Elementary School physical education teacher Jackie Lloyd, right, speaks with at the November 27 assembly celebration. —Bee Photos, Hallabeck
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