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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Superintendent Sends Letter To District Parents Ahead Of 12/14



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Superintendent of Schools Dr Lorrie Rodrigue sent a letter to parents on December 3 to announce plans and preparations ahead of 12/14.

The letter reads, “As you know, this year represents seven years since the tragedy on 12/14. We know that this time of year is especially difficult for so many students, staff, and families in Newtown. While the anniversary falls on a Saturday this year, we have plans in place for Friday, December 13, to ensure a respectful remembrance of the students and staff we lost on that day.

“Our elementary staff assumes that a majority of our younger students may know little to nothing about the tragedy. Our belief is that educators should not be the first-time providers of information regarding Sandy Hook. This needs to be a conversation that involves parents or guardians. However, our support staff at each school is fully prepared to respond to any students at any level who might ask a question or experience anxiety.

“Principals will be sending out additional information regarding how they will handle the day at each of their buildings. At the secondary level, [Newtown Middle School Principal Tom Einhorn and Newtown High School Principal Dr Kimberly Longobucco] will organize a personal message that is age-appropriate for their students.

“We will again reach out to the press to remind them that no media will be allowed on any of our campuses. Additionally, a heightened presence of police will be visible at all schools throughout the district. Additional police will be onsite at Sandy Hook School beginning on Thursday evening and continuing throughout Friday.

“On Saturday, December 14, an Interfaith Service open to the community is being held at 9 am at the [Newtown] Congregational Church. In addition, St Rose of Lima [Church] will hold services for the community at 9:30 am (Bells at 9:30/Service at 9:40 am).

“Please keep the families of loss in your thoughts and prayers, along with one another, and know that we are here to support you and your families in any way we can,” the superintendent shared in closing.

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