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Back To School In The New Year



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To the Editor:

As a parent of three elementary aged children in the public school system, it is frustrating and disappointing to witness the approach the administration and BOE have taken with the student learning plan during this pandemic. There is a blanket approach in place for the K-6 students, when any parent knows there is a world of difference between a typical kindergartner and a sixth grader. Perhaps K-6 should be split up into two subgroups — K-2 and special ed elementary students in one and third through sixth grade students in the other — when making decisions regarding these learning plans.

I have such compassion for the kindergarten teachers who are trying to teach 5-year-olds through a computer and working with tech issues, missing materials, and maintaining their attention. Administration should be sitting in on some of these meetings to see what teachers are dealing with daily.

With there being no evidence of transmissions in schools thus far, it should be a priority to get these learners back in school full time ASAP, and not dragging out the process by returning to the hybrid model first. There are other districts in the area who have incorporated different learning models to maintain consistency, such as five half days in school to address math and language arts. We should also look to Europe, which has had higher rates of transmission over the past few months, but has chosen to prioritize their schools and keep them open. Newtown’s administration needs to be proactive, start thinking outside the box, and come up with a plan to get these young learners back in school every day after the holidays.

Heather Puebla

52 Pine Tree Hill Road, Newtown December 11, 2020

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