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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

School Counseling Report, Project Adventure



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A presentation at the Board of Education’s December 3 meeting highlighted programs and endeavors in the district’s school counseling programs.

Director of Kindergarten to Twelfth Grade Counseling Services and Newtown High School Counseling Director Bret Nichols and other representatives of Newtown’s school counseling services throughout the district shared the presentation, which was prepared for the meeting.

Mr Nichols said he sees his main priority as connecting with students.

“I think that is very important for us throughout the district to be able to connect with students, because I believe that through these connections, we will see an increase in student grades, a decrease in behavioral referrals, and an increase of attendance,” said Mr Nichols. Later he added, “We are building an atmosphere to increase the number of trusted adults in a building.”

Future steps outlined in the presentation include further supporting student connectives at the other schools, further focusing on student and counselor communication between transitioning schools, and knowing students’ strengths and interests.

A new kindergarten to twelfth grade school counseling website is “a work in progress,” Mr Nichols said, adding that district parents have been notified of its status.

Mr Nichols explained the district has streamlined its 504 process, which determines elementary and secondary education financial assistance for schools required to provide students with disabilities “a free appropriate public education,” according to the Connecticut Department of Education’s website. The streamlining process included brainstorming, consulting an attorney, and implementing consistent practices, according to the presentation.

Other district conversations have focused on how to identify and support at-risk students, Mr Nichols shared later. The presentation highlighted alignment and implementation of social/emotional learning (SEL) programs, and recent professional development and training efforts.

Ms Nichols said there will always be a commitment to building collaborative environments to share practices.

For the 2019-20 school year, Mr Nichols explained Student Success Plans were rolled out to support connections at Newtown Middle School. Mr Nichols explained Student Success Plans set academic, social/emotional, and future goals for students to be college and career ready.

A “shadow day” program was piloted last year for NMS students to shadow NHS students for a day ahead of transitioning to their freshman year of high school. That program is expected to be expanded this school year.

“We have made great strides in improving our transitional programs,” Mr Nichols said, referring to when students move up to other schools, like from NMS to NHS.

The presentation also highlighted the district’s “K-12 Comprehensive Counseling Curriculum,” which has identified what the district offers students, overlaps and gaps, and is integrating “competencies at each level.” Future steps will include aligning lessons and programs.

Also at the meeting, the school board approved a new curriculum for Project Adventure & Beyond for fifth and sixth graders at Reed Intermediate School. The curriculum was presented at the board’s previous meeting on November 19, when Reed teacher Sara Strait presented the proposed curriculum. As Assistant Superintendent of Schools Anne Uberti and Ms Strait explained at the November 19 meeting, Project Adventure & Beyond combines a 21st Century Skills and Project Adventure courses into one full-year program. Project Adventure & Beyond teaches students to be mindful, to be members of a community, to be safe, and to set goals.

Board of Education members were invited at the start of Ms Strait’s presentation at the November 19 meeting to participate in a type of exercise completed in Project Adventure & Beyond. Ms Strait instructed everyone to stand together in a circle, point a finger in the air, and loudly make a noise they associate with a “bright idea.”

After instructing everyone back to their seats, Ms Strait explained the program begins the school year by building a community.

The school board passed the new Project Adventure & Beyond curriculum unanimously at its December 3 meeting.

Members of the Board of Education, district staff, and members of the public form a circle at the board’s November 19 meeting to complete an exercise like those students complete in Reed Intermediate School’s Project Adventure & Beyond class. —Bee Photo, Hallabeck
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