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By Kim J. Harmon



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By Kim J. Harmon

When the headless horseman – when two headless horsemen – meander around the field waiting for a start time, then one could easily get the sense that the Frost on the Pumpkin Pace would be no ordinary hunter pace.

The event, sponsored by the Newtown Bridle Lands Association, never is.

A bunch of two- and three-rider teams took to the trails off Mount Nebo Road on Sunday morning – many of them in costume to celebrate the Halloween theme. While patriotism (little flags on helmets, horses colored in stars and stripes . . . that sort of thing) was understandably prevalent, there were also the headless horsemen and the three knights (Imogen DeLavis, Elizabeth Salzgiver and Samantha Sedgewick – who took the Best Costume Award) which really spiced up the proceedings.

In the Western Division, the official time of the pace was 1:22.12 the team of Lucy Prybylski and Lorraine Marshall captured first place with a 1:18 differential. In the Pleasure Division, the official time was 1:33.12 and the team of Karen Correll and Nancy Metz captured first place with a meager nine-second differential.

In the Hunt Division, the threesome of Yolanda Knowlton, Lilly Subietas and Jack Manes were just 44 seconds off the official time of 1:15.12 and in the Junior Division the team of Kristina Heege and Kate Volkers captured first by finishing just two minutes off the official time of 1:28.12.

The results:

Western Division

Differential in parentheses


1. Lucy Prybylski and Lorraine Marshall (1:18); 2. Karen Roach and Heather Wayland (2:20); 3. Todd Welk and Kim Pretak (2:38); 4. Ed Prybylski and Michael Marcus (2:39); 5. Tina Calahan and Rita Owens (3:06); 6. Linda Souza, Deanna Souza and Michelle Souza (3:20); 7. Debbie Kahn and Jeanne Ruh (4:30); 8. Kendra Isepeppi and Melissa Heusser (6:24); 9. Michelle daSilva and Shannon Cranson (7:46); 10. Jerry Iodice and Jenny Iodice (7:39).

Pleasure Division

Differential in parentheses


1. Karen Correll and Nancy Metz (0:09); 2. Cindy Miller, Missy Gregson and Jill Stillson (0:28); 3. Alice Fisher and Vicky Skouras (0:59); 4. Suzanne Muratore and Thumper Berizzi (1:54); 5. Joy Clark and Sue-Ellen Wierzbicki (2:08); 6. Howard Gordon and Diane Camac (2:21); 7. Sue Weed and Gail Yaeker (2:42); 8. Lois Stein and Wendy Hammond (2:48); 9. Susan Judge, Dorothy Capiello and Mary Dufour (3:02); 10. Wendi Hunt and Richard Frost (4:08).

Hunt Division

Differential in parentheses


1. Yolanda Knowlton, Lilly Subietas and Jack Manes (0:44); 2. Karen Asker and Holly Hansen (0:53); 3. Jamison Wallace, Mary Gomez and Elizabeth Marshall (1:32); 4. Linda Peckham and Debbie Higgins (2:06); 5. Fred Nives and Evelyn Parks (2:09); 6. Jim Dominick and Heather Dominick (3:11); 7. Shelly Miller and Nancy Ziegler (3:20); 8.  Anita Keefe and June Ledingham (3:42); 9. Laura Dorr, Lisa Topham and Jeff Dorr (3:43); 10. Radha Rampersad and Frank Scott (3:45).

Junior Division

Differential in parentheses


1. Kristina Heege and Kate Volkers (2:00); 2. Leslie, Lindsay and Alyssa Hudson-Tolles (3:12); 3. Lindsay Knable and Beth Geissler (3:56); 4. Nina Slocum and Erica Webb (4:00); 5. Erin O’Hare, Cristin Swords and Maggie Johnson (6:18); 6. Jamie Kelsey and Alex Trogisch (7:37); 7. Laurel Castellana and Chelsea Nicholls (7:53); 8. Tyler Nicoll and Stacey Gallagher (7:56); 9. Allison Mongeau, Amy Mongeau and Maricia Farkas (8:03); 10. Kathy Rubin, Kelsey Phillips and Jody Boles (8:13).

In the action, Renna Fogliano (9) was the winner in the Peanut Division while Fred Nives (81) was the Jack Benny Award winner. Mary Ehbrecht’s Fiddler’s Maestro, 32 years young, won the Oldest Horse Award and Imogen DeLavis, Elizabeth Salzgiver and Samantha Sedgewick won the Best Costume Award for dressing up as three knights.

NOTE: Photos that were taken at the pace (not those pictured above), can be seen at www.event.clubphoto.com after Novembner 1. The password is phorse.

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