FUN Autism Education Month Celebration

April 01, 2023 at 05:30 pm
Start Time: 5:30 pm || End Time: 8:00 PM
Newtown Congregational Church, 14 West Street
Event for families with child or teen on the autism spectrum and/or those with alternately-abled youth, to include Touch-A-Truck featuring police, fire and ambulance vehicles and personnel from local agencies, also musical entertainment (DJ), craft table, pizza and dessert (6:30), children’s egg hunt (age 8 and under, 6 pm) and Blue Flashlight Egg Hunt (older children, tweens and young adults, 7:30 pm), presented by Families United in Newtown, registration requested;
Read more here: FUN Nonprofit Adding ‘Education’ To April’s Autism Awareness Agenda