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Dave & Greg's Tennis Offers New Options



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Dave & Greg’s Tennis Offers New Options

In its fifth season with the Newtown Parks and Recreation Department, Dave and Greg’s Tennis will be providing several new tennis options, including two sessions of match play, a program option geared to juniors aged 9 to 11 and 12 through 16 who are able to get their serve in consistently. Juniors will receive strategy tips from a certified adult instructor while playing matches. Two afternoon camps and two morning camps will also be available this summer.

As in previous years, Dave and Greg’s Tennis will offer clinics for seven weeks (three two-week-long sessions and a one-week-long session) starting June 25 and include lessons for tiny tots (ages 4–7), beginners (entering grades 2–4), beginners (entering grades 5–10), and intermediate/advanced players (grades 5–10). Also new this year are adult clinics starting June 25 at Newtown High School. There will be two four-week sessions for adult beginner and intermediate levels. All junior clinics will take place at Dickinson Park courts.

For more information contact Greg Sansonetti at 203-375-6545 or to register call Newtown Parks and Recreation office at 270-4340. Visit Dave and Greg’s website at www.faifieldcountytennis.net.

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