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"Which world site would you like to see in the 'New Seven Wonders of the World?" Asked of fourth graders at Middle Gate School.



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“Which world site would you like to see in the ‘New Seven Wonders of the World?” Asked of fourth graders at Middle Gate School.

Brittany Gonzalez: “Stonehenge. There’s a whole mystery behind it. Who built it? Why? How?”

Caitlin Jones: “Statue of Liberty. She has a lot of history behind her. And it’s important history.”

Matthew Bouton: “Sydney Opera House. It is a unique structure. Architecturally, it put Australia on the world map.”

Marryyam Ali: “Timbuktu. It looks like a sand castle, but it’s a mud castle.”

Alec Hersh: “Taj Mahal. It was built by the Shah as a tomb for his dead wife. It’s a symbol for love and passion.”

Erik Street: “Sydney Opera House. It’s so big. It’s got five rehearsal rooms and five playing rooms.”

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