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London Suite is a collection of four comic one-act plays set in the same suite in an old and fashionable hotel in London.



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London Suite is a collection of four comic one-act plays set in the same suite in an old and fashionable hotel in London.

It opens with “Settling Accounts,” being directed by Ms Kinnear and featuring Bart Schofield of Newtown as Brian, a writer pointing a gun at Bill, his financial manager, played by Steve Hoose of New Milford.

Next is “Going Home,” directed by Ms Poile which features Jessyca Lyons-Tucker of Newtown as Lauren, a daughter who is setting up her mother, Mrs Semple, played by Ruth Schofield of Newtown, on a date with a wheezy Scot.

Third is “Diana and Sidney,” also directed by Ms Poile. In it, an aging “Theatre Now TV” actress Diana, played by Ms Kinnear, is attended by her personal assistant Grace, played by Danette Illig of Redding, and is visited by her gay ex-husband Sidney, played by Steve Yudelson of Newtown.

Closing the evening is the straight-up farce “The Man on the Floor,” directed by Ms Kinnear. It involves Wimbledon tickets, Kevin Costner, and multiple spasms of the vertebrae, and features Steve Yudelson as Mark, Danette Illig as Annie, Pam Meister of Newtown as Mrs Sitgood, Steve Hoose as the Bellman, and Bart Schofield as Dr. McMerlin.

The production opens Friday, May 11, and will run weekends through Saturday, May 26. New for 2007, Town Players productions will present nine performances over three weeks. The first two weeks there will be Friday, Saturday and Sunday performances and for the third week there will be Thursday, Friday and Saturday performances. The curtain is at 8 pm for the Thursday, Friday and Saturday performances and the Sundays are matinee performances at 2 pm.

Tickets for the evening performances are $18, and matinee tickets are $15. Season tickets are also available.

Town Players’ Little Theatre is on Orchard Hill Road, off Route 25 (Main Street South) in Newtown.

For reservations, directions and additional information on benefit nights, call 270-9144 or visit NewtownPlayers.org.

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