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Borough Of Newtown Hosts Bicentennial Gala Celebration



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At the Borough of Newtown’s Bicentennial Gala celebration on Thursday, May 16, residents and friends alike gathered to celebrate the milestone of 200 years of living history.

Keynote speakers included Ken Weinstein, president and CEO of Newtown Savings Bank, and First Selectman Jeff Capeci.

The Board of Burgesses recognized four individuals whose volunteerism has shaped the Borough and touched the lives of all who pass through. Those who were recognized include long-time resident and volunteer, Betsy Kenyon, long-time resident and “protector of the golden rooster,” Donald Studley, former burgess John Madzula Sr, and current zoning chair Douglas Nelson.

Capeci offered the Borough a certificate of recognition for not only the 200-year celebration, but also the commitment to preserving the bucolic nature of Main Street. Burgess James Gaston gave a brief presentation of the Borough’s history as well. Come back next week for a full overview of the Borough’s history.

Daina Smith, a resident of the Borough and a member of the Bicentennial Gala Committee, explained, “[The gala] is a culmination of a year and a half of the work to preserve the historic charm.”

In his closing remarks, Chris Gardner said, “It’s all of you that makes this place special.”

Some Newtown residents, like Kimie O’Connor and David Merrill, displayed their artwork around Marygold’s for the event. Merrill has been painting Newtown scenes for a long time, and his immaculate detail shows the vibrant history the Borough has to offer future generations.

“The most important thing in Newtown,” Merrill said, “is I met my wife of 35 years,” a testament to the long-lasting relationships the Borough has fostered over its 200 years of rich history.


Reporter Sam Cross can be reached at sam@thebee.com.

Betsy Kenyon holds her award high with pride in recognition of all her hard work for the Borough, including the implementation of stamped concrete for the sidewalks across town.
Chris Gardner looks out to his peers fondly as he addresses them in his closing remarks.
Borough Treasurer, Paula Brinkman (left), and Borough Clerk, Ann Scaia (right), enjoyed a wonderful evening celebrating their accomplishments as a tag-team for the Borough.—Bee Photos, Cross
Kimie O’Connor stands next to her artwork displayed at Marygold’s on Main during the Bicentennial Gala Celebration.
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