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Newtown High School Underclassmen Awards



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Newtown High School Underclassmen Awards

Newtown High School has announced the following underclassmen recipients of civic and academic awards for the 2004-2005 school year.

Mercedes Ball, National Latin Award – Silver Medal; Evan Barbour, Vassar College Book Award; Melanie Beck, The Arjun Mehta Award; Karlie Beitel, COLT Award for Excellence, Lions Club Past Presidents Trull Award, Wellesley College Book Award; Blake Bell, American Mathematics Contests Awards; Megan Blivin, American Mathematics Contests Awards; Jonathan Bryant, Connecticut JSHS Award; Jacob Burg, National Latin Award – Gold Medal; Lillian Campbell, COLT Award for Excellence, American Mathematics Contests Awards, Harvard University Book Award; Tara Ceretta, National Latin Award – Gold Medal, American Mathematics Contests Awards; Sophia Cerreta, Business Department Book Award, National Latin Award – Gold Medal; Linda Chamiec-Case, American Mathematics Contests Awards, National Latin Award – Silver Medal; Erin Clark, COLT Award for Excellence, The Holy Cross Book Award; Brett Cloak-Gentile, National Latin Award – Silver Medal; Sarah Copeland, National Latin Award – Gold Medal; Katie Rose Crevier, Education Connection Regional Internship Award; Jennifer Durelli, American Mathematics Contests Awards; Justin Durelli, Bausch and Lomb Award; Kate Ebert, Mount Holyoke College Book Award, Elizabeth Ericson, NHS Internship Award; Carolyn Filler, National Latin Award – Gold Medal; Emily Fiorey, National Latin Award – Silver Medal; Danielle Gadoci, National Latin Award – Silver Medal;  Elsa Gilles, Michael Jewelers Award, NHS Internship Award; Jacqueline George, American Mathematics Contests Awards, National Latin Award – Silver Medal; Sean Gerety, National Latin Award – Gold Medal; Ashley Gillespie, National Latin Award – Silver Medal; Gregory Gordon, COLT Award for Excellence; Stephen Graham, Art Department Book Award; Sarah Gutbrod, Society of Women Engineers Award; Jessica Halloran, Art Department Book Award; Drew Harmata, Rensselaer Medal; Travis Hunter, National Latin Award – Silver Medal; Will Jacob, Columbia University Book Award, Journalism Award; Aileen Kerns, NHS Internship Award; Peter Kim, University of Rochester Humanities/Social Sciences Award; Laura Konkos, Connecticut JSHS Award; Ryan Lanza, National Latin Award – Silver Medal; Mark Laslo, CAS Student Leadership Award; Kate Levasseur, Cornell University Book Award; Alison Lones, COLT Award for Excellence; Anthony Magliocco, American Mathematics Contests Awards; Tory Marlin, Fairfield University Book Award, COLT Award for Excellence; Kenneth Menz, Education Connection Regional Internship Award; Michael Mangarella, Michael Jewelers Award; Paul Marcuilli, National Latin Award – Gold Medal; Alexander Middeleer, National Latin Award – Gold Medal; Justin Miller, National Latin Award – Silver Medal; Lauren Morrissey, American Mathematics Contests Awards; Bethany Murphy, National Latin Award – Silver Medal; Lauren Nemeth, COLT Award for Excellence; Kendra O’Connor, National Latin Award – Silver Medal; Peter Oggeri, Wendy’s High School Heisman Award Nominee; Kyle Palo, Connecticut JSHS Award; Brian Pennarola, National Latin Award – Gold Medal; Stephen Petrovich, COLT Award for Excellence; Megan Rawson, St Michael’s College Book Award, COLT Award for Excellence; Ethan Reed, National Latin Award – Silver Medal; Rebecca Reed, American Mathematics Contests Awards, National Latin Award – Gold Medal; Tricia Reed, National Latin Award – Silver Medal; Rachel Rockwell, National Latin Award – Gold Medal; Megan Rogers, COLT Award for Excellence; Erica Sampson, Art Department Book Award; Kathryn Schmidt, National Latin Award – Silver Medal; Zach Silver, NHS Internship Award; Eddie Small, Oberlin College Book Award, Harold deGroat Award, COLT Award for Excellence, Dartmouth College Book Award; Jeanette Smith, National Latin Award – Gold Medal; Ben Snyder, AIME Award, American Mathematics Contests Awards, Math Department Special Recognition Award, Society of Women Engineers Award; Stephanie Soder, National Latin Award – Silver Medal; Kim Solheim, COLT Award for Excellence, Wendy’s High School Heisman Award Nominee, Smith College Book Award; Celia Song, COLT Award for Excellence, American Mathematics Contests Awards, Fairfield University Excellence in Math and Science Award; Alex Stendbergh, Education Connection Regional Internship Award; Kaitlin Sullivan, American Mathematics Contests Awards; Kate Sullivan, Chatham College Book Award; Najam Syed, NHS Internship Award, Education Connection Regional Internship Award; Andrew Taylor, National Latin Award – Silver Medal; Teresa Taylor, US Congressional Medal; Brian Tenney, Brown University Book Award; Carolyn Tevnan, Library Media Center Volunteers of the Year; Matti Toikka, CAS Student Leadership Award; Claudia Toth, National Latin Award – Gold Medal; Amanda Trock, American Mathematics Contests Awards; Ivan Virovets, Connecticut Science Fair Award; Molly Vogel, NHS Internship Award; Angela Viesto, Connecticut Science Fair Award; Vallerie Weymouth, Art Department Book Award; Sam Wong, Connecticut JSHS Award; Matthew Yakush, American Mathematics Contests Awards; Alex Zachos, Art Department Book Award; Jonathan Zigman, American Mathematics Contests Awards; Claire Zukowski, Library Media Center Volunteers of the Year, National Latin Award – Silver Medal, The Governor’s Scholars Award Recipient, Barnard College Book Award; Sadie Zukowski, Library Media Center Volunteers of the Year.

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