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Special Book Sale At Easton Library



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Special Book Sale At Easton Library

EASTON —The Friends of Easton Public Library will host an eclectic book sale the weekend of June 12-14.

Inventory will include books published from 1850 to 2009. Many of the older volumes have dust jackets and decorative boards (covers).  The newer books include best selling authors and book club titles. Hard cover and paperbacks, children’s books, CDs, videocassettes, books on audiocassette and some DVDs will also be available for purchase.

A “first pick” opportunity will take place on Friday, June 12, between 6 and 9 pm. There will be a $10 admission fee for non-residents.

On Saturday, June 13, the sale will take place between 9 am and 4 pm and admission will be free to all. The sale will continue on Sunday, June 14, 9 am to 1 pm, again free of admission charges.

The purpose of this book sale is threefold. First, to engage booklovers; second, to allow readers to stack up on reading material for the lazy hazy days of summer at a reasonable price; and third to begin to make up some of the $9,700 cut to the library’s materials budget for fiscal year 2009-10.

Donations of new and/or gently used adult and children’s hardcover and paperback books, CDs, and DVDs will be accepted during library hours until June 11 at noon. Encyclopedias and textbooks are not being accepted.

The library is at 691 Morehouse Road, at the corner of Center Road. For additional information including regular library hours, call 261-0134 or visit EastonLibrary.org.

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