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An Inadequate Response



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To the Editor:

I, Clinton DePaolo, spoke and helped organize the past weekends Rally 4 Change. I wanted to write on behalf of something I said Saturday, 6/20/20.

I spoke at my disappointment in our elected officials. Not so much as to their physical presence — as with COVID-19 still a concern I do not begrudge any person wanting to side with caution and stay home. No, my exception comes with what our elected officials do and say. Regardless of political party, many of our top elected officials have been woefully inadequate in responding to matters of equity and justice. Some have made non-statement statements that do little more than fill the air with words without meaning.

Another, whom I wish to speak of in this moment, is our State Representative Mitch Bolinsky. Representative Bolinsky has been silent during this time of change and support. Why hasn’t he voiced public support of our BIPOC community? What past bills has he sponsored to create equity in our community? Where are his ideas for new bills to protect our most vulnerable? What has he done to champion the oppressed and historically marginalized at the state Capitol? Why hasn’t he admonished colleagues at the state Capitol for their racist statements? He has stated he has a record of fighting for people, however, questions to his record are deemed partisan attacks. I believe his record is a reflection of him as a person; it is not a reflection of any political party. He alone is responsible for himself voting NO against the 2019 SB380/PA 19-90 bill for increased accountability in the police. If we judge our representative based on his record, it shows he has failed our BIPOC community.

I fully expect people to claim that this is merely a partisan tactic, that I sow division, or that I spew hate. No, I am commenting on an elected official’s record. Likewise in the future I will be commenting on Democratic elected officials’ actions and records. Our community doesn’t need political parties. It needs people who will fight to create a more equitable community regardless of their skin color, religion, place of birth, gender, sexual orientation, or economic status.

Clinton DePaolo

39 Buttonball Drive, Sandy Hook June 24, 2020

Editor’s note: Mr DePaolo serves as one of the campaign managers for Rebekah Harriman-Stites, the 2020 Democratic candidate for Newtown’s 106th District State Representative.

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