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Beautiful Backdrop For Horse Guard Trail Ride Participants



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The Second Company Governor’s Horse Guard (2GHG) held its Fall Fundraiser Trail Ride in the woods and on the trails adjoining the Catherine Hubbard Sanctuary property and Horse Guard headquarters in Fairfield Hills on October 16. It was a beautiful day and feedback from the riders indicated it was a huge success and an absolute pleasure to attend.

Horse Guard representatives thank the participants — horses and riders alike who got to enjoy beautiful, well-marked trails, and a warm, friendly atmosphere — for their involvement and support.

“So well run — thank you for a wonderful time,” Beth Brooks of Oxford said to horse guard officials.

Another participant plans to bring more students to the Horse Guard’s spring ride.

“As the years go by we get better and better at running this event, and look forward to hosting it twice a year. We are already working on a date for the spring ride. We appreciate everyone who helped spread the word, and to all the Troopers who helped organize and make this event a success,” said Lieutenant Marion Lynott, public relations officer for the 2GHG, adding that the Horse Guard extends a generous thank you to the sponsors who donated prizes.

Jennifer and M.J. Corti won the Closest to the Time first prize of $100 for Tractor Supply.

Linda Pressmar takes in the view during the Second Company Governor’s Horse Guard Fall Fundraiser Trail Ride, on October 16. —Marion Lynott/Irish Flare Photography
Kimberley Chabot, Amy Smith, Andrea Arden, and Tracy Van Buskirk approach the crest of a hill during the trail ride.
Jennifer Corti and MJ Corti won the Closest to the Time first prize.
Kimberley Chabot and Tracy Van Buskirk make their way across open field.
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